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Future meetings; rsvp and attend

The MSC hosts three kinds of public meetings: Educational Workshops, Research Talks, and Service Sessions. This page describes each type of meeting; lists their future dates and times; has links to RSVP; and shares directions for getting there.

Published onFeb 04, 2034
Future meetings; rsvp and attend

To achieve our mission, the Metaverse Society of Criminology (MSC) hosts public meetings. We rotate Educational Workshops, Research Talks, and Service Sessions. There are several metaverse applications (apps) for meeting. We use Workrooms by Meta.1 It’s easy and free to use. It also allows people to participate without a VR headset. All meetings occur in the same Workroom, namely the MSC Public Room. Below is information on forthcoming meetings and how to join us, in 2D or 3D.


Educational Workshops

Next up: February 23 @ 1 pm EST in our Public Room | RSVP

We show participants how to use the metaverse, at all or better. For now, educational workshops focus on how to use Meta Workrooms. We cover things like how avatars work, augmented reality, spatial audio, casting your in-real-life computer screen onto your virtual desk, room layouts, room styles, moving around, using the white/black board and bathroom (just kidding). A recording is below, in case you can’t make a meeting or want to think-ahead to questions you may have for us.

forthcoming, recording

Once enough people are familiar with the app, we’ll have workshops on how to utilize the metaverse in teaching, research, and service. We’ll record these workshops, post them on YouTube, and reshare them on this website.

Research Talks

Next up: TBD in our Public Room | RSVP

We have conversations with criminologists about the future of (metaverse) criminology. Typically how it works is we come across articles or tweets that spark our interest. We invite the authors to chat with us about their research, in the metaverse. We talk big ideas: What’s their passion? How’d they get here? Where are they going? What can the MSC do to help? We record these talks, post them on YouTube,2 and reshare them on this website.

Service Sessions

Next up: February 17 @ 3 pm EST in our Public Room | RSVP

We brainstorm what exactly to accomplish and how, in the near and distant future, for the greater good. We make long-term goals that are concretely measurable with high impact and ROI. We pursue our goals one next-step at a time, with methods that are practical, scalable, and no-cost to faculty, staff and students. Each step produces an output, such as an instructional writing or video, that shares what we tried and learned. These work-products are published open access on this website. Authorship is based on CRediT.

How to join us

Workrooms can be used on a computer in 2D3 or on a VR headset in 3D.4 Meta’s guide to joining a Workrooms meeting is here.


To attend in 2D, no need to RSVP. Just go to our Public Room when you’re ready to enter. If you RSVP, you’ll receive a calendar invite with a link to the room as the meeting place. For 2D participants, it’s also optional to sign-up for a Workrooms account and connect it to your Meta account (see below).


Prior to

To attend in 3D, you need to do the following before a meeting:

It is useful but not necessary to have the Meta Quest Remote Desktop. It enables you to see your physical computer screen (i.e., desktop or laptop monitor) within the metaverse.

Time of

At the time of the meeting, note and do the following:

  1. On your VR headset, use the universal menu to open the Workrooms app.

  2. In-app, your default starting location is your “Personal Office.”6

  3. From your Personal Office, you can join other “Rooms.” Anyone with a Personal Office can create Rooms.

  4. Each Room has “Admins,” “Members,” and “Guests.” Admin and Members can enter at any time. If one is present, a Guest can enter.

  5. When you RSVP, Workrooms adds you as a meeting participant in-app. Near or on the meeting day, there’ll be a calendar reminder on your native screen (see below) under “Today.” To enter our room, click on it.

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